The Voyage of Entr’acte Continues
with Ellen and Ed Zacko

Join “The Boys” on their own adventure!
We’re back in the USA!
Yes, it has been a long time! Far too long but we have been very busy. Crossing an ocean, crossing a continent and working non stop for months on our refit. So much has happened, all of it good but, we have not had sufficient time to tell it all so…..below is a very brief summary of the last year and a half.
As the Coast Guard weather station always says……”More to follow!”
Stay tuned.
Entr’acte is Alive and Well and Living in Sun City West
May of 2016 found us in the Mediterranean sailing the Med to connect with the StevenStars Shipping Company-Shippersgratcht”. We and Entr’acte boarded her in Malaga headed for Pennsylvania. We arrived about two weeks later and
quickly made our way to Cambridge Md to the Richardson’s home to find our trailer, left there in 2002. In MD we decided to take Entr’acte home to SCW for a major refit and started to drive west to our home in Sun City West AZ.
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Launched from the water onto the ship-Entr’acte’s new birth our cozy cabin an easy passage for Entr’acte fog on the Grand Banks boy’s watch back home in AZ waiting for the refit!!! | ![]() |
Entr’acte Major Refit 2016-18 | ARC building |
In Air Conditioned comfort we worked in our local ARC (Automotive/Restoration Club) Piece by piece we disassembled our faithful yacht. What started as cosmetic ended up asnecessary. We found many bolts in need of replacement. It was like building the boat all over again. We visited places we hadn’t thought of for forty years. At this moment December of 2017 she is about 65 percent completed and resting in on RV parking lot about eight miles from our house. We work on her each weekend. We plan to work through the winter in the RV lot and our garage. Next spring we hope to return to the ARC fee minor touch ups.. Plans for maiden voyage in our refitted yacht is San Francisco Bay next summer for a shake down. Shewill be in Bristol fashion, and we will be ready to sail again.
You easily can follow Entr’acte’s progress through the Ship Track position reporter. This is a free service of the Maritime Mobile Service Network, a dedicated group of HAM Radio enthusiasts that maintain a radio network for ships at sea. Through MMSN we have world-wide access to emergency communication, daily weather reports, and daily position reports or we can just take the opportunity to pass the time at sea by calling Net Control to just say “hello!”
When on a passage we file daily position reports over the high frequency radio to MMSN which they post on the Ship Track web site. Just click on the link above and you will be automatically connected to Entr’acte’s personal Ship Track page. There you can see our daily progress, or lack thereof! If you play with the zoom tool on that page, as you zoom in you will see a series of red dots which represent each individual position report(be careful, a little zoom gets you a lot). Place your cursor on a dot to see the time, date, our latitude, longitude and a brief description of the conditions on that day. You can also adjust the page to view specific lengths of time from one week, one month or all positions filed.
If there is no updated position report, it should not be viewed as a disaster. It could mean that we had very bad radio propagation that day, low battery power, laziness or bad weather. It might also mean that we are in a harbour and off the boat exploring or we are very busy having a grand time and just plain forgot!
You can track any vessel that files position reports. All you need is their radio call sign—Entr’acte’s is KC2JBX–just go to the Ship Track home page, enter the appropriate radio call sign and off you go!
It’s easy! Check it out!