Sunday June 27, 2021

The Voyage of Entr’acte never seems to end – it just changes identity

After three weeks of constant travel and work – with two weeks before that of trailer brake work – I can finally say we are relaxing in the shawdow of Lady Liberty just across from NYC, the greatest city in the world. For some time I was wondering if we were getting a little bit crazy in our old age to try to pull off this type of trip. Everywhere we turned, we seemed to be stopped by one thing or another. Now that the Hudson is behind us as is Route 66, we have our reward, using our boat for its intended purpose, a get away from the real world just floating on the water enjoying each other’s company with some good food.

Our road trip began June 9th heading up to Flagstaff luckily just in front of the fires that would creep into that area in a few days. We continued on Route 66 to Joplin,MO where we had a great rendezvous with a friend and collegue from many many years ago. We had a strange meal at the Texas Roadhouse but a fun time remembering the good old working days in Rockland County NY with a great Margarita. On to St Louis to have lunch with Herb Clark the founder of ARC and an interesting introduction to the Great Race which he will participate in this summer.

We were amazed at the traffic when we finally neared the New York area. We arrived at our boatyard on Tuesday late afternoon and immediately went to our favorite chinese restaurant only to find out Mrs. Woo, who took such good care of us in NY, had passed away after an operation. Another message to live life now because it just might disappear before you know it.

Patsy Bay Marina took very good care of us – they left us alone to do our work. By Friday we were launched and Saturday brought Christina Wiesman – Birmijoin with bagels and cream cheese. These were our first really good bagels in about twenty years. There is nothing like a NY bagel. Maybe the secret is the water – not sure but we were happy to eat them.

True to the plan we made the trip to New Hampshire to Diane and Rich Baker’s house where we left our truck and trailer in the yard of her sister Kathy and Victor- both aqua fit girls. We enjoyed a wonderful meal with Diane and family with lots of sea stories from the past – especiallly the RAT story for those of you who know this amazing tale. A one way Enterprise Rental car back to Rockland demonstrated to us we made the right choice to move to SCW. The traffic was absolutely incredible. It rained all the way and we were so happy to go to our

favorite diner, have some comfort food and head to our welcoming little yacht for a well deserved rest.

Mark Stellato and Virginia came for lunch and helped us return our rental. We then had two more days at the marina before leaving so we connected with more friends. First was Laura and David Nicholls and Ellie and Michael Pastel. Of course we are doing our best to get them to move to SCW. Laura is an artist, David a fine photographer, Ellie taught French and Michael is a scientist wizzard working for Pfizer even though he retired ten times. The next day we had a great visit with Wally Miller who filled us in on all of the scoop of the Nanuet School District. He did a fine job teaching band during COVID as did the other teachers. I cannot even fathom how they could do what they did.

It was time to leave. Undoing the dock lines after two years stuck to the land was a process. After so many problems with the trailer, boat engine, some pumps, and a horde of other small items, we motored away wondering if we might soon be back at Patsy Bay for more repairs. On our way the first problem was blue smoke but our good old boat let out one big FART – the engine went right back to normal sound, rpms and no blue smoke. Nothing like good digestion to make things right.

We spent three days on the river before heading into the marina at Liberty Island where we would host several friends for dinner. We also planned a trip to Ground Zero to remember our friends who were lost that day so long ago. Our next gaunlet is through HELL GATE – why is it named that? It actually doesn’t mean what it says. It was just a translation from the Dutch run amuck. Once through that corriador we are in the open waters of Long Island shore. No plans are in sight but of course there are some friends along the way we would love to see.

We have until around the third week of August to fill with memories and make up for last year which I am sure we can do.

I hope this sums up the trip for you so far. I am really tired right now as the last three days we have been getting up at 4 AM to catch the tide down the river.
This worked well and made for really quick trips. At times we were doing 9 knots but it takes a toll on those who love to sleep like me. I hope we don’t have to get up so early ever again this summer.

So happily ever after we bid you adieu until the next edition. Ellen and Ed

A big Margarita, Beth and Ellen after twenty years, Nanuet friends at Lynch’s having a great dinner – passing Lady Liberty, Ed is finally happy