Jesse James Members Only Maxi Taxi Service–Trinidad
Jesse James–yes, it is his real name—offers a variety of indispensible services for the visiting yacht. Visit his web sight. If you are going to Trinidad–Jesse is the guy to know.
Costa Rica Yacht Club-Puntarenas, CR
Don’t let the name fool you. You don’t have to own a boat to take advantage of the club. CRYC with its quiet ambience and affordable accommodation make it a great place to use as a base whille you explore Costa Rica.
Raiatea Carenage -Raiatea, French Polynesia
If you plan to store your boat on the hard for the hurricane season while you return home, this is the best place we have found. We spent two years with Domenic, Vareia and the gang. What a wonderful place.
First Landing Resort-Vuda Pt, Fiji
Centraly located to the nadi airport. You have access to all of the Fiji vacation activities. Easy to get to. great prices especially with the more than favorable exchange rate to the US dollar. If you are storing your boat at Vuda marina, this is right next to the boat yard and a great place to hang after a hot day of work or to rent a cabin for the last few days before you depart fopr home or the first few days when you return–until you get the boat “liveable” again.
Musket Cove-Malololailai, Fiji
The perfect place to “get away from it all.” Fly direct to Nadi from LA, take a one hour ferry out to the island and have a ball. The exchange rate to the US Dollar is almost 2/1 so enjoy the discount.
The best,if not only, place to store your boat safely out of the water for the cyclone season. They have a unique method of storage “in the grave” by digging a pit and placing the keel into the pit with sides stopred on tires. It has been a wonderful thing. We have no fear of Entr’acte falling over in high winds. The staff is competent and friendly. The price is “right” as well.